Did you know that nearly 30% of annual donations in the U.S. are made in December, with 10% coming in the last three days of the year?

Your end-of-year giving campaign is the most important opportunity you have to raise critical funds, so don’t miss this opportunity by not planning well.

Why the End of the Year is Crucial
The end-of-year giving surge is driven by several factors, including the holiday spirit of generosity and the desire to take advantage of tax deductions before the calendar year ends. For many donors, this is the last chance to make a meaningful impact while benefiting financially.

Steps to Prepare for a Successful End-of-Year Campaign

  1. Start Early with Planning and Messaging:
    • Begin by crafting a compelling narrative that aligns with the spirit of the season. Emphasize the impact of past donations and how contributions at this time can significantly advance your mission.
    • Ensure your messaging is clear, consistent, and emotionally resonant across all channels, including emails, social media, and your website.
  2. Segment Your Donor List:
    • Different donors have different motivations. Segment your list based on giving history, engagement level, and communication preferences. Tailor your messages accordingly to make each appeal more personal and impactful.
  3. Leverage Matching Gift Opportunities:
    • Many donors are motivated by the idea that their gift can be doubled or even tripled through matching programs. Highlight any matching gift opportunities prominently in your communications.
  4. Optimize Your Online Donation Process:
    • Ensure your donation page is easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, and optimized for quick transactions. The fewer barriers to giving, the more likely donors will follow through.
    • Include multiple payment options and ensure the page loads quickly to prevent drop-offs.
  5. Create a Sense of Urgency:
    • Emphasize the deadline for donations to count towards the current tax year. Don’t be afraid to use language like “don’t let Uncle Sam take your hard earned dollars, donate and make a difference.”  Use countdowns and urgent language in your messaging to encourage immediate action.
  6. Engage with Social Media:
    • Utilize social media platforms to remind followers of the importance of end-of-year giving. Share stories of impact, thank donors publicly and create shareable content that can expand your reach.
  7. Plan for Last-Minute Appeals:
    • Don’t be afraid to send last-minute reminders in the final days of December. These appeals can capture those who might have forgotten or are making last-minute financial decisions.

      One client had its largest donation ever on December 31 because of a last-minute email. The donor said “I completely forgot to make several donations this year. I saw your email and made a larger contribution than I expected.”
  8. Thank Your Donors:
    • Expressing gratitude is essential. After a donor makes a gift, send a personalized thank-you message promptly. Highlight the difference their donation will make and keep them engaged for future giving opportunities.

The last two weeks of December present a unique and powerful opportunity to boost your organization’s fundraising efforts significantly. You can capitalize on this critical giving period by starting early, crafting tailored messages, and creating a sense of urgency.

Planning for end-of-year giving now can set the stage for a successful campaign that meets your fundraising goals and deepens the connection with your donors.

P.S.  Ready to start planning your end-of-year giving campaign? Let’s work together to create a strategy to maximize your impact during this critical time. Contact us today for a consultation and take the first step toward a successful year-end fundraising season!  Click here to get started 

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