Your hands get shaky before that big job interview. You get nervous and short of breath while talking at monthly volunteer meetings. You're a confident and successful business leader, but speaking engagements fill you with dread. You love ministry, but having to talk in front of large groups of people has you questioning your calling.

You're not alone - in fact, between 56% and 70% of Americans suffer from the fear of public speaking - but your fear does not have to define your life. The A Group recently partnered with Dr. Gary Genard, an actor and speech coach, to publish his brand new book, Fearless Speaking, an empowering book that will help you overcome your fear and speak with confidence. Fearless Speaking contains practical tips and hands-on exercises that use Dr. Genard's proven method for helping readers overcome speech anxiety forever.

The A Group worked with Dr. Genard to design, publish, and market Fearless Speaking. Our creative team came up with an eye-catching and fun cover that captured the spirit of the book and Dr. Genard's sense of humor. We then illustrated and laid out a visually-appealing interior and worked closely with Dr. Genard through the self-publishing process, including creating a print book for sale on Amazon and the Genard's store, as well as an eBook.

TAG also came alongside Dr. Genard to assist with the marketing of the book. We created a book promotional page - - social media graphics, and marketing strategies for building buzz about the book. Our resident blog and social media guru reached out to hundreds of career, business, and mom bloggers to garner reviews and giveaways for the book. Rave reviws, from bloggers and the Genard's review team, are already pouring in.

Whether you're a speaker, a business leader, a college student, a mom, a volunteer, or a minister, Fearless Speaking will help equip you to lead and carry out your calling as you speak with confidence - whether to one or one million. It's available now on Amazon and The Genard Method Store (also a TAG creation!).

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