Many legacy ministry organizations are bumping up against resistance during attempts to reach today’s young adult evangelical Christians. Ministry leaders and pastors are left confused as more and more young people forsake their commitment to the Christian faith.

Even with a loyal and supportive donor base, a dedicated staff, and thousands of stories of lives changed, your future as a ministry organization may be in jeopardy.

To better understand this “exodus” taking place in the millennial generation, The A Group conducted an in-depth research study on perceptions of faith among 18-35 year olds and how to communicate with the next generation – the future leaders and supporters of your ministry. This study – and our breakdown of highlights and key points for your ministry – is now available to download.

There’s hope for your organization’s longevity if you just take the time to learn how young people think, where to begin with your message and how to communicate in a real way they will respond to instead of run from.

Download the white paper today, and feel free to comment, tweet at us or connect with us on Facebook to join the discussion. We would love to hear your thoughts and experiences ministering to the next generation.


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