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Come Say Hi at CLA!
April 1, 2013
We just touched down in California and couldn't be more excited to join the nation's top Christian leaders in Anaheim at the Christian Leadership Alliance 2013 conference!
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Facebook's News Feed Changes: Implications for Ministries and Non-Profits
March 20, 2013
Facebook has begun rolling out significant changes to its news feed for both mobile and web format. What are the implications for non-profits and ministries?
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How to Communicate With the Next Generation
March 6, 2013
Many legacy ministry organizations are bumping up against resistance during attempts to reach today’s young adult evangelical Christians. Ministry leaders and pastors are left confused as...
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CLA Conference 2013: See you in Anaheim!
February 26, 2013
At The A Group, we believe innovation and impact require a dedication to learning. That's why we're pleased to be a Diamond Sponsor of this year's Christian Leadership Alliance conference.
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The A Group Continues to Grow Marketing Capabilities
January 16, 2013
2012 was a big year for The A Group -- we moved offices, continued to grow our marketing and technology divisions, and celebrated our 10th anniversary. But most importantly, we've continued...
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The A Group Named Nashville Business Journal 2012 Small Business Awards Finalist
June 25, 2012
We are pleased to announce The A Group was named as a finalist in the Nashville Business Journal's 2012 Small Business Awards.
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Movin' On Up
May 18, 2012
Earlier this month, The A Group moved into a brand new space in Brentwood, Tennessee. Nearly twice as large as our old space, our new office accommodates our growing team and capabilities.
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5 Communication Styles You Need to Know
August 31, 2011
I enjoy people. I'm the guy who looks forward to a party to meet someone new as oppose to dreading have to walk in a room full of strangers. Most of the time that I find myself in a new...
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Becoming a Change Agent
August 23, 2011
Early in my career, I was frustrated by the inability of those around me to change. It took me a long time, however to learn that my expectations were unreasonable and that change is a much...
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Wrestling with Discontent
August 22, 2011
"If I am not moving forward, I know I am sliding backwards." That's a cliche for many, but it's a foundational truth for me. Some label it discontent, or ungratefulness, others personal...
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Expose Yourself Out of Business
August 18, 2011
"We priced it low because we wanted the exposure." Every young, and even some seasoned entrepreneur can fall on the trap of the "exposure" temptation. In the search for legitimacy and clout,...
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Don't Spiritualize Your Management Problems, Fix Them
August 17, 2011
A lot of bad decisions get blamed on God. In my years of consulting, I have run into poorly managed organizations with broken systems, ineffective workers, and bad strategies. All of them...
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