Since most people who make new year's resolutions don't follow through with them. Statistics say only 12% of those who do see their resolutions come to fruition.  I say we need a change of perspective. As a marketer, I'm a big fan of re-purposing, re-packaging something that's still useful but has been rejected by an audience because it's perceived as no longer relevant. Our current new year's resolution fits the category well. Maybe we should call it an annual refocusing, but no matter the label, here's why I think we should stop and think through what we're doing:

New Year's Resolution New Perspective


Make sure you still want to go where the tracks lead you. It's easy to realize you need a life change during a crisis. If any area of your life, such as your career, marriage or finances are in deep trouble, you know it's time for a major overhaul. But what happens when you're running fast down the tracks and everything is working well, but the train is going somewhere you don't want to go? Life has a way of subtly changing course on us. If we don't take inventory periodically of where we are headed we run the risk of waking up to the dreaded how-did-I-get-here realization.

Your mind and your heart need alignment. It's easy to fall for the power of reason. "Job A pays more than job B, so what's your question?" I remember saying those very words to my wife years ago and causing her to take a job she didn't want and wasn't well suited for. It was a disaster. But beyond a job, alignment of reason and passion needs to happen in every area of our lives; otherwise we live either in dread or in an emotional roller coaster.

Your brain leads you but your body must do the work. If you don't take care of your body, you'll shorten your dreams. If you're too tired, or too sick to travel, move, lead, play you'll cut your life short. I don't want to waste years of experience, learning and wisdom playing bingo in a nursing home.

Ultimately you serve an audience of One. I don't know any other way to say it, but knowing and doing God's Will for our lives rocks. It's not a dread. He designed you and me for a purpose and when we fail to live it out we short-change the blessings He has for us. Interestingly, people think that they have to give up on life to do God's Will. The truth is that real life only happens inside of it.



What new name should we call the old new year's resolutions?


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