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The A Group
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Movin' On Up
May 18, 2012
Earlier this month, The A Group moved into a brand new space in Brentwood, Tennessee. Nearly twice as large as our old space, our new office accommodates our growing team and capabilities.
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5 Communication Styles You Need to Know
August 31, 2011
I enjoy people. I'm the guy who looks forward to a party to meet someone new as oppose to dreading have to walk in a room full of strangers. Most of the time that I find myself in a new...
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Becoming a Change Agent
August 23, 2011
Early in my career, I was frustrated by the inability of those around me to change. It took me a long time, however to learn that my expectations were unreasonable and that change is a much...
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Wrestling with Discontent
August 22, 2011
"If I am not moving forward, I know I am sliding backwards." That's a cliche for many, but it's a foundational truth for me. Some label it discontent, or ungratefulness, others personal...
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Expose Yourself Out of Business
August 18, 2011
"We priced it low because we wanted the exposure." Every young, and even some seasoned entrepreneur can fall on the trap of the "exposure" temptation. In the search for legitimacy and clout,...
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Don't Spiritualize Your Management Problems, Fix Them
August 17, 2011
A lot of bad decisions get blamed on God. In my years of consulting, I have run into poorly managed organizations with broken systems, ineffective workers, and bad strategies. All of them...
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Why Non Christians Cannot Lead Successful Christian Businesses
August 8, 2011
Christian industry businesses run by non Christians cannot succeed. I know that's a bold statement, but after years of watching large conglomerates buying Christian music labels, publishing...
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How Not to Leave a Job. A Lesson From Caddy Steve Williams
August 4, 2011
The way you leave a job says more about you than the way you started it. Being fired is beyond our control, but leaving a job well is a 100 percent in our hands.
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The 10% Rule of Life
August 1, 2011
That's why finishing well is not just a good idea, it's the difference between mediocrity and greatness and even success and failure.
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The Next Level: Is Your Team Ready?
July 27, 2011
"What do we need to do to get us to the next level?" That's perhaps the one question I get asked the most. While the answer might include strategies like better systems, seizing...
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Rodney Bowen Joins The A Group as Senior Account Manager
July 19, 2011
"We are so very excited to have Rodney join our team. He brings a wealth of experience and expertise to serve our clients," said Diana Marsh, VP of Client Services.
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Without Systems Your Vision is Just a Dream
July 19, 2011
Over the years I have met many visionary leaders whose dream grew to a fraction of their potential because of the lack of an environment where the vision could thrive.
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