How Important Is Your Nonprofit’s Website?
By Pete Wilson
So just how important is your website? Here’s a quick answer: more than you could imagine. I don’t think anyone is debating anymore whether or not you need a website to be a thriving nonprofit or ministry. However, there still continues to be, and for good reason, tons of debate when it comes to the functionality you need and the strategy behind it.
Our team at The A Group is constantly studying trends to see just what your website needs in order to be effective when it comes to communicating your unique message, moving people through your engagement cycle, and raising the funds you need to take your organization to the next level.
Just this week I was looking through a survey that the ECFA recently put out discussing the trends of nonprofit donors. I was shocked to read that 96% of millennials said they now “research an organization on its website before giving”. 96 PERCENT!!! And it’s not just millennials. 88% of all respondents to the survey agreed they “research an organization on its website before giving.”
Statistics like the one above are why we put so much time into making sure that our clients have more than just a pretty website.
We’re scrubbing through websites asking the tough questions. Questions like…
Does your website clearly state what you do as an organization?
Does it connect with your audience's problems?
Is your homepage effectively utilizing its first impression?
Does your site effectively use imagery that shows what you do or, even more importantly, the results or transformation you provide?
Is there too much text on the site?
Is there a clear call to action or next step identified for the user?
Does the site answer all the questions a potential donor is asking in order to convert them from an observer to a donor.
Creating an effective website that meets your unique goals and interests is never a one-size-fits-all solution. And maybe we’re a little bit crazy or just completely compulsive, but we are passionate about strategically designing and implementing custom sites that make sure your nonprofit or ministry is getting noticed out there in the saturated sea.
What you do matters!
How you do it matters!
And yes, that website, is a crucial tool in bringing it all together.
P.S. There is so much that goes into an effective website. Sure, design and function are great (and important), but messaging and strategic user experience is what converts. We created this free resource to help you identify your audiences and identify the messages that speak to them specifically. Download today! If you're looking for strategic guidance and insight, check out StratLab. We cover all of this and more to ensure your nonprofit makes a bigger impact.