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Why a Custom Blog?
February 1, 2011
Even with the many template options, there are many times that the best option for a blog is a custom design. And while the term "blog" used to refer to an online journal, blogs have now...
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Communicators: Embrace Social Media or Quit
January 28, 2011
If you're a communicator, you cannot afford not to be engaged in social media. I know this sounds like a mandate, and it is. Even if only a part of your job is to communicate the vision,...
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You Don't Need a Logo. You Need a Plan
January 26, 2011
The conversation starts with familiar words: "I'm starting a new business. I need a logo and a brand identity." That's an exciting place to be. Creating your brand early in your business is...
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4 Gauges Every Entrepreneur Should Monitor
January 24, 2011
Of all the many thoughts that go through my mind on any given time, there are 4 areas of business that I'm constantly monitoring because I have learned that if they begin to deteriorate, so...
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You Are Now a Global Brand. Yes, You.
January 19, 2011
I was in Sao Paulo, Brazil at the lobby of a hotel waiting with my client to meet our Brazilian hosts whom I did not know. One of the men looked up from his cell phone and startled me by...
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What Should The Church Do With Boomers?
January 17, 2011
As the first of 77 million baby boomers reach retirement age, their annual spending power is estimated at 2 trillion dollars. Businesses are working hard at creating Boomer-centric products...
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5 Enemies of a Team
January 14, 2011
Yesterday I co-chaired the media and entertainment day for the Leadership Brentwood program. We began the morning at the Dave Ramsey headquarters in the Cool Springs area, south of...
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Is Your Body Language Betraying You?
January 6, 2011
A lot of our communication is non verbal. Body language, mood, appearance all contribute to the way we communicate.
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The 4 Relationships You Need to Succeed
January 5, 2011
Success doesn't happen in a vacuum. It happens in the context of relationships. I don't believe there are any self-made people. Along the way, successful people intersected with those whom...
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Taking Your Brand to the Next Level
January 4, 2011
The question is almost always the same: how can I improve my __? Whether the question refers to a skill, a product, an experience, it's ultimate about a brand. How can I improve my brand,...
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The Future of Advertising
January 3, 2011
First the news, then the music industry, now advertising: the digital revolution is bringing down Madison Avenue like no other force has in the history of the Ad Agency. Some estimate that...
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Our Choices, Not Resolutions Matter the Most
January 2, 2011
Most people start well. Most people don't finish so well. Resolutions fail more than they succeed. So as we look forward to all the promises and opportunities a new year brings us, we...
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