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Rules for Successful Team Work
March 23, 2011
My best projects have been a team effort. The coming together of two entities, units, or even individuals bring different sensitivities and perspectives that can make a good project, a great...
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Strategy for Making Important Decisions
March 22, 2011
Making decisions about your business or career can be a scary proposition to many of us. Some can make quick and effect decisions while others agonize over all the options and can't commit...
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The Art of Selling Creative Services
March 21, 2011
Selling new ideas can be tough. If you are a creative type, that's even tougher. Usually people who need your services realize they need help, but are often don't trust the young, creative...
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Sales Help: How to Close a Deal
March 10, 2011
Every interaction you have with a potential client is critical if you want to establish a good relationship and eventually get the account. I firmly believe that you should value your input...
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How a Bad Video Can Ruin Your Fundraiser
March 7, 2011
I recently attended a fundraiser where the opening video was so poorly produced that instead of help the cause, I believe it actually hurt it. The excuse was a familiar one, "it's about the...
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Social Digital Fraud: A Failed Social Media Campaign
February 24, 2011
I was recently reminded of a failed social media campaign that started with a lot of promise but went nowhere. For all practical purposes the campaign is still going because there are...
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3 Things You Must know in Order for Your Business to Make It
February 22, 2011
I love the entrepreneurial spirit. People who can see opportunities where most can't and have the guts to jump out into and make it happen, are some of my favorites. In my experience, most...
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Apple's New Game Changing Content Strategy
February 17, 2011
Yesterday Apple laid out a new subscription service and broad rules for digital content sold through the iPhone and iPad. Apple wants to make sure all app purchases and subscriptions, such...
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What Does the Ideal Board Member Look Like?
February 9, 2011
Board meetings can be either energizing or draining. The difference between the two lies whether the board is helping to fuel growth or managing decline. Those are two completely difference...
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Signs It's Time to Fire an Employee
February 8, 2011
Firing people is never easy. I remember having to fire an employee a few weeks into my very first job. I was 20; he was 42. It was the right thing to do even though I felt sick to my stomach...
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Today's Communicator Must also be a Sociologist
February 7, 2011
As a marketer and communicator, I'm always looking for trends. I have noticed that my 16 year-old son hasn't asked me to buy him songs from iTunes in a while now. I know his appetite for...
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Your Boring Meeting Is Costing You a Lot of Money
February 2, 2011
Every meeting has costs and benefits. Successful organizations realize that while meetings are important, they can also be a waste of time and with it, a waste of money. Sometimes a lot of...
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